FROM SABOTAGE TO SUPPORT: A New Vision for Feminist Solidarity in the Workplace

Women are acculturated within systems that encourage them to sabotage one another; this book shows how they can break free of this cultural programming and use whatever privilege and power they have to raise each other up.

Drs. Joy Wiggins and Kami Anderson advocate that the only way women can successfully support each other is by addressing the varying intersections of our individual power and privileges, particularly focusing on how some privileges are inherited along lines of race, class, sexuality, and geography. When we fully examine how we have power in certain situations and not in others, we start to see where we can lend privilege to create truly inclusive spaces for the historically underrepresented and marginalized.

Wiggins and Anderson look at how the dynamics of privilege and power have played out in the history of the feminist movement and identify and break down socialized behaviors and ideologies that trigger implicit bias and microaggressions. And they provide tools to interrupt negative thoughts and actions so women can nurture mutual support and show up as their authentic selves. Each chapter features a dialogue between them reflecting on how issues of race, privilege, and power have played out in their lives and their friendship.

Book cover titled 'From Sabotage to Support: A New Vision for Feminist Solidarity in the Workplace' by Joy L. Wiggins and Kami J. Anderson, held in a hand.
Two women smiling at a presentation titled "Mending the Broken Trust Between Black and White Women."
Book titled 'From Sabotage to Support: A New Vision for Feminist Solidarity in the Workplace' by Joy L. Wiggins and Kami J. Anderson with an orange background, featuring BK logo in the corner.



"I think if you want a starter book on understanding feminism, allyship, and repairing relationships this book could be a helpful resources. I appreciate that it focused specifically how women can and should stand in solidarity of each other (what's missing is how transwomen are folded in but I will assume they are included but just not addressed on page). The tone of the book is hopeful but realistic that you must be willing to do the work, be uncomfortable, constantly agree to deconstruct harmful ideals, and be kind to yourself as you grow. I really appreciate how each chapter is constructed with just enough information to get you thinking then ends with reflection/action steps. This book could be helpful in a work environment."



"I purchased this book for myself and the rest of my staff, I am so glad I did! Joy and Kami navigate the reader through the frustrations and challenges that all women face, while exploring empathy, strength, and equity.

I highly recommend this book for anyone, regardless of age, gender, or race. We all could use more tools for cultivating a culture in which humans are judged by their goodness, not by their ability to fit into the boxes established by the patriarchy."

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